Jul 17, 2020
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pueden pasar muchos jÓvenes a esta edad y asÍ lo estamos viendo en cien dÍas para enamorarnos con lucÍas para enamoraron me encanta y tu personaje tÚ y macarena han hecho un personaje maravilloso cÓmo ha sido para ti in te pterr a lucÍa >>> ha sido un reto gratificante con mis compaÑeros actores con maca incluso formamos una relaciÓn muy bonita y la gente se siente identificada con lo que es lucÍa porque hablamos mucho del tema de alex pero la gente tambiÉn estÁ, esta pasando por cosas similares a las que pasa lucÍa. entonces me llena de amor, de una felicidad inmensa ver que la gente es muy, con todo lo que nos dicen en redes sociales nos llenan el corazÓn de mucha felicidad y nos dan ganas de hacer mÁs y mas y mÁs y mas para darles a ellos una forma de agradecerles a ellos. >>> por supuesto a la gente le ha gustado mucho y estamos abiertos a la inclusiÓn, a la aceptaciÓn y me parece maravilloso que lo podamos ver a travÉs tambien de la televisiÓn sobre todo en nuestro mercado en el hispano, >>> tÚ y macarena hicieron una muy bonita amistad en estas grabaciones ¿ quÉ recuerdas de ese t
pueden pasar muchos jÓvenes a esta edad y asÍ lo estamos viendo en cien dÍas para enamorarnos con lucÍas para enamoraron me encanta y tu personaje tÚ y macarena han hecho un personaje maravilloso cÓmo ha sido para ti in te pterr a lucÍa >>> ha sido un reto gratificante con mis compaÑeros actores con maca incluso formamos una relaciÓn muy bonita y la gente se siente identificada con lo que es lucÍa porque hablamos mucho del tema de alex pero la gente tambiÉn estÁ, esta...
Jul 13, 2020
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asÍ conociÓ a ana lucÍa salazar.denuncias erick no se siente tranquilo. teresa: ¿recibiste algÚn tipo de amenaza? erick: el padre saÚl lÓpez orosco me escribiÓ para decirme: "ten cuidado con lo que estÁs haciendo. acuÉrdate de quién es la legiÓn de cristo y el poder que tenemos. tus papÁs firmaron cosas. los vas a meter en problemas". teresa: erick no se deja intimidar y enviÓ una carta de denuncia al nuncio apostÓlico mexicano. por su parte, el vocero de los legionarios de cristo aseguran no estar al tanto de dicha denuncia. invita a erick a elevarla a las autoridades pertinentes al tiempo que promete colaboraciÓn, algo que no le sorprende al exsacerdote alberto athiÉ. alberto: pero el esquema de la legiÓn de cristo, que estÁ incrustada en la iglesia, es exactamente el mismo. abusadores protegidos por superiores locales con conocimiento pleno de los superiores generales, con conocimiento pleno de la santa sede. teresa: ¿quÉ significa la palabra "justicia" para ti? erick: darle a cada quien lo que le corresponde. per
asÍ conociÓ a ana lucÍa salazar.denuncias erick no se siente tranquilo. teresa: ¿recibiste algÚn tipo de amenaza? erick: el padre saÚl lÓpez orosco me escribiÓ para decirme: "ten cuidado con lo que estÁs haciendo. acuÉrdate de quién es la legiÓn de cristo y el poder que tenemos. tus papÁs firmaron cosas. los vas a meter en problemas". teresa: erick no se deja intimidar y enviÓ una carta de denuncia al nuncio apostÓlico mexicano. por su parte, el vocero de los...
Jul 28, 2020
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me refiero a lucÍa mÉndez y verÓnica castro. yo no lo puedo creer.a mÍ. siempre fue muy amable, correcta y linda. entonces, creo que me llevÓ tambiÉn que se haya muerto. >> reconociÓ que tras esta acciÓn la relación entre ellos cambio. sÉ que verÓnica te contesto, te ha seguido en las redes. han tenido algÚn contacto? lucÍa: sí me contestÓ por privado. dice que le gustaba mucho la madre esta fotonovela. me agradeciÓ. eso fue por privado. nomÁs. >> y la comunicaciÓn sigue fluyendo. lucÍa:tambiÉn me felicito porque voy hacer abuela. le corresponde con un corazÓn como diciendo muchas gracias. >> muy bonito y muy lindo que se de esta cordialidad entre ustedes dos, estas dos grandes divas de la televisiÓn. lucÍa dice que viven una etapa de madurez con la llegada de su nietola pandemia la hecho reflexionar para que las relaciones personales y laborales fluyan con armonÍa. [mÚsica] es lucÍa mÉndez y verÓnica castro nuestras grandes divas televisivas ya en comunicaciÓn. [mÚsica] carlos: quÉ tal? raÚl: me parece extraordinario que lo hayan hecho. para quÉ per
me refiero a lucÍa mÉndez y verÓnica castro. yo no lo puedo creer.a mÍ. siempre fue muy amable, correcta y linda. entonces, creo que me llevÓ tambiÉn que se haya muerto. >> reconociÓ que tras esta acciÓn la relación entre ellos cambio. sÉ que verÓnica te contesto, te ha seguido en las redes. han tenido algÚn contacto? lucÍa: sí me contestÓ por privado. dice que le gustaba mucho la madre esta fotonovela. me agradeciÓ. eso fue por privado. nomÁs. >> y la comunicaciÓn...
Jul 12, 2020
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la carretera lucÍa descongestiona hasta maÑana. reabriÓ hoy al pÚblico.eportaron de 1351 casos. hospitales de varios hospitales tejanos estÁn al borde del colapso. el gobernador hizo obligatorio el uso del cubrebocas, pero algunos no acatan la medida. reportera: hay al menos 500 personas intentando entrar en el paso, texas. >> ni siquiera nosotros tenemos la distancia. reportera: algunos no tenÍan cubrebocas. se exponen y exponen a otros el contagio. >> la situaciÓn es preocupante en el paso. hemos visto un aumento significativo de casos. es casi la mitad de los que tienen entre 20 y 30 aÑos. reportera: las hospitalizaciones han aumentado en los Últimos 15 dÍas. por eso el paso revirtiÓ la apertura econÓmica. se extendió hasta sept siempre el regreso de los niÑos a la escuela. >> estos puntos fronterizos son peligrosos focos de contagio. los agentes sÓlo dejan entrar a la sala de inspecciÓn a grupos ilimitados de personas para mantener el distanciamiento social. fÉlix: un paciente es sÓlo 30 aÑos muriÓ luego de contraer el coronavirus en san antonio. el j
la carretera lucÍa descongestiona hasta maÑana. reabriÓ hoy al pÚblico.eportaron de 1351 casos. hospitales de varios hospitales tejanos estÁn al borde del colapso. el gobernador hizo obligatorio el uso del cubrebocas, pero algunos no acatan la medida. reportera: hay al menos 500 personas intentando entrar en el paso, texas. >> ni siquiera nosotros tenemos la distancia. reportera: algunos no tenÍan cubrebocas. se exponen y exponen a otros el contagio. >> la situaciÓn es...
Jul 11, 2020
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la carretera que conduce, lucÍa descongestionar a esta semana. concurrir a lugares con altas concentraciones de personas. en los estados unidos continÚan preocupados porque falta poco para agosto, mes donde el gobierno quiera que los reabrir los establecimientos educativos. fÉlix: este fin de semana una ola de calor y la pandemia han convertido en una peligrosa combinaciÓn que azota a texas y arizona. ocupa el primer lugar a nivel mundial en costos de corona. -- en casos de coronavirus. hay una combinaciÓn en el aire que provoca mÁs infecciÓn por coronavirus. >> las lÍneas no son enormes, la gente llega desde muy temprano. >> despuÉs que cogimos en incluso pude arrancar otra vez-- >> no es el mismo caso en todos los sitios para pruebas de covid-19 en arizona. en algunos hay finas que toman horas en bajas temperaturas. la gente estÁ asustada. >> mÁs que nada estar bien por mi salud ♪ "creo que estamos en un tiempo de picos mÁximos en arizona- estoy seguro que pronto saldremos de esto. dijo el gobernador de arizona. la cadena hospitalaria " abrazos
la carretera que conduce, lucÍa descongestionar a esta semana. concurrir a lugares con altas concentraciones de personas. en los estados unidos continÚan preocupados porque falta poco para agosto, mes donde el gobierno quiera que los reabrir los establecimientos educativos. fÉlix: este fin de semana una ola de calor y la pandemia han convertido en una peligrosa combinaciÓn que azota a texas y arizona. ocupa el primer lugar a nivel mundial en costos de corona. -- en casos de coronavirus. hay...
Jul 7, 2020
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. >> en horas del mediodÍa asi lucÍa, las colinas cerca de la autopista ciento cincuenta y dos en diegoara con la -->> miramos bastante humo. creo que de la casa brinco al pasto y ya no lo pudieron detener. el aire y el calor se no lo pudieron detener. >> se habÍa establecido un centro de evacuaciÓn en el centro de personas mayores para combatir las llamas. >> es la parte de abajo del cerro y parte de lo de arriba. el incendio se empezÓ a ir lejos para el otro lado. desde ayer en la tarde han estado volando los aviones. hay Áreas restringidas para medidas de seguridad. se le aconseja las personas evitar las Áreas involucradas. >> los aviones empezaron a apagar lo que quedÓ prendido toda la noche y ahorita va de regreso. reportera: este incendio tambiÉn destruyÓ dos estructuras y actualmente se encuentra en investigaciÓn para conocer el motivo de su origen. reportera: la cruz roja habilitÓ dos centros para este tipo de evacuaciones. ramÓn: nuestra meteoróloga suheily lÓpez belÉn nos habla sobre el incendio de gilroy y como el tiempo puede afectar el trabajo de los bomberos. suheily: los
. >> en horas del mediodÍa asi lucÍa, las colinas cerca de la autopista ciento cincuenta y dos en diegoara con la -->> miramos bastante humo. creo que de la casa brinco al pasto y ya no lo pudieron detener. el aire y el calor se no lo pudieron detener. >> se habÍa establecido un centro de evacuaciÓn en el centro de personas mayores para combatir las llamas. >> es la parte de abajo del cerro y parte de lo de arriba. el incendio se empezÓ a ir lejos para el otro lado....
Jul 20, 2020
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ya quiero ver lo que lucÍa dice, pero escucharlo de su boca. un centro mÉdico de suiza es donde una niÑa mexicana lucha por su vida. es que el tratamiento para luchar contra la leucemia, prÁcticamente, se ha convertido en imposible de encontrar en mÉxico. todos los medicamentos para tratar ciertas enfermedades, entre ellas, el cÁncer son difÍciles de conseguir. esto a pesar que el gobierno dice que estÁ radicando a algunas empresas farmacÉuticas. jessica tiene la historia. jessica:ella es ana lucia. una niÑa mexicana que su cuatro aÑos ha vivido una triste odisea. en mayo del aÑo pasado le diagnosticaron leucemia. la internaron en el hospital pÚblico en la capital mexicana. >> debido a la mala calidad de un medicamento tuvo un choque y eso le permitiÓ que fuera alÉrgica. jessica: su padre dijo que a partir de ahÍ tuvieron que comprar los medicamentos, pero mese despuÉs necesitÓ un fÁrmaco mucho más caro y que no habÍan el país. >> fue cuando pedimos el apoyo de los gobiernos, de las autoridades de salud a nivel federal. no recibimos ninguna res
ya quiero ver lo que lucÍa dice, pero escucharlo de su boca. un centro mÉdico de suiza es donde una niÑa mexicana lucha por su vida. es que el tratamiento para luchar contra la leucemia, prÁcticamente, se ha convertido en imposible de encontrar en mÉxico. todos los medicamentos para tratar ciertas enfermedades, entre ellas, el cÁncer son difÍciles de conseguir. esto a pesar que el gobierno dice que estÁ radicando a algunas empresas farmacÉuticas. jessica tiene la historia. jessica:ella...
Jul 16, 2020
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lucÍa mÉndez: estaba parejo estaba cuidad hicimos., denny's ofrece entrega gratis. solo entra a dennys.com para recibir tus favoritos con entrega gratis directo a tu puerta. nos vemos en dennys.com que nuncariño.alte... o hidratación. neutrogena® hydro boost, el humectante número uno con ácido hialurónico te da, en un instante, el doble de hidratación. para una piel tersa e hidratada. neutrogena® [cortina musical] raÚl: estamos llegando al final el problema Único e histÓrico en la vida de nuestra programa en que todos hemos transmitido desde nuestra casa luego de que alanÍs esposa vira positivo coronavirus. francisca: asÍ es. vamos esperarnos los resultados con toda la fe y con la alegrÍa en alto. recordemos cuando nos visitÓ ivy queen y mela la melaza aprovechÓ para su lanzamiento mundial. aquÍ estÁ este recuerdo, disfrÚtenlo, familia, los queremos. [mÚsica] >> llegÓ la dura. ♪ a mÍ me gusta que me digan mela ♪ ♪ a mÍ me gusta que me digan mela ♪ ♪ por mi melaza ♪ por mi candela ♪ voy caminando ♪ voy desatada ♪ a donde quiera voy sin
lucÍa mÉndez: estaba parejo estaba cuidad hicimos., denny's ofrece entrega gratis. solo entra a dennys.com para recibir tus favoritos con entrega gratis directo a tu puerta. nos vemos en dennys.com que nuncariño.alte... o hidratación. neutrogena® hydro boost, el humectante número uno con ácido hialurónico te da, en un instante, el doble de hidratación. para una piel tersa e hidratada. neutrogena® [cortina musical] raÚl: estamos llegando al final el problema Único e histÓrico en la...
Jul 23, 2020
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caribe la tormenta va al caribe sur afectando venezuela este sÁbado tambiÉn estÁn en riesgo santa lucÍaiferencia de estados unidos y canadÁ, los turistas en las cataratas del niÁgara de lado estadounidense solo se permiten 6 pasajeros de los 700 que caben en uban rco del lado estadounidense llenos asÍ vamos un dÍa a la vez siga con "titulares y mÁs" que tenga buenas noches. ( ♪ mÚsica ♪ ) >>> atenciÓn el coronavirus vuelve atacar al fÚtbol mexicano mientras tanto antio celebra su primer tÍtulo en 30 aÑos. tambiÉn hablamos de boxeo con hÉctor y tenemos a jesÚs molina comenzamos "titulares y mÁs" coors light. ( ♪ mÚsica ♪ )
caribe la tormenta va al caribe sur afectando venezuela este sÁbado tambiÉn estÁn en riesgo santa lucÍaiferencia de estados unidos y canadÁ, los turistas en las cataratas del niÁgara de lado estadounidense solo se permiten 6 pasajeros de los 700 que caben en uban rco del lado estadounidense llenos asÍ vamos un dÍa a la vez siga con "titulares y mÁs" que tenga buenas noches. ( ♪ mÚsica ♪ ) >>> atenciÓn el coronavirus vuelve atacar al fÚtbol mexicano mientras...
Jul 2, 2020
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. >> pensÉ que lucÍa como el llanero solitario. pablo: agregÓ.cratas dicen que ha sido un desastre. la palabra final la tendrÁn los electores el prÓximo noviembre. en washington, pablo gato, univisiÓn. patricia: mientras unos estados como florida cierran sus playas por la pandemia, otros como nueva york las abren. desde hoy se podrÁ nadar en las 14 millas de playas de la ciudad de nueva york, segÚn anunciÓ el alcalde bill de blasio tras semanas en que sÓlo se permitÍa caminar y tomar el sol. ademÁs, nueva york planea abrir 15 piscinas en todos los distritos para el 1 de agosto. florida tiene una numerosa fuerza laboral de indocumentados. gran parte de ellos latinoamericanos, pero ahora temen por el futuro de sus trabajos despuÉs de que el gobernador republicano ron desantis firmÓ la ley que exige a empleadores chequear el estatus migratorio de un trabajador antes de contratarlo. ademÁs, como nos explica andrea leÓn, la medida tendrÁ un impacto negativo para la economÍa del estado. andrea: el gobernador de florida ron desantis firmÓ la ley que obl
. >> pensÉ que lucÍa como el llanero solitario. pablo: agregÓ.cratas dicen que ha sido un desastre. la palabra final la tendrÁn los electores el prÓximo noviembre. en washington, pablo gato, univisiÓn. patricia: mientras unos estados como florida cierran sus playas por la pandemia, otros como nueva york las abren. desde hoy se podrÁ nadar en las 14 millas de playas de la ciudad de nueva york, segÚn anunciÓ el alcalde bill de blasio tras semanas en que sÓlo se permitÍa caminar y...
Jul 1, 2020
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. >>> ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ >>> muy buenos dÍas ada, efectivamente lucÍa corona es una mujer ejemplar que pone, que hagan algo bonito. lo que yo estaba haciendo ahorita que entregaran su corazÓn. que ahÍ en este dibujo le echaran mucho cariÑo y mucha distracciÓn tambiÉn. >>> para que saquen estos sentimientos lucÍa lanza un reto en el arte >>> los colores del arcoÍris es impresionante lanzar este reto es esto, ponerle un poquito de amor, desata o garohogarnos en >>> el reto arcoÍris tambiÉn pretende generar empatÍa de los niÑos y personas como lucÍa >>> para que pues entre los niÑos tambiÉn aprendan a ver cÓmo lo hacemos nosotros no. porque ha habido tambiÉn luego de esos comentarios de ah es bien fÁcil y lo puedo hacer, pero no es lo mismo. hacerlo con las manos o hacerlo con el pie. >>> ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ >>> efectivamente ella lo hace parecer muy fÁcil por toda esa experiencia que tiene como pintora. pero vivir de esta manera y pensar de la manera tan maravillosa como lo hace lucÍa la kfrverdad que es un ejemplo n beso para ella. >>> un beso para ella y un lindo ejemplo que tambiÉn podemos mostra
. >>> ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ >>> muy buenos dÍas ada, efectivamente lucÍa corona es una mujer ejemplar que pone, que hagan algo bonito. lo que yo estaba haciendo ahorita que entregaran su corazÓn. que ahÍ en este dibujo le echaran mucho cariÑo y mucha distracciÓn tambiÉn. >>> para que saquen estos sentimientos lucÍa lanza un reto en el arte >>> los colores del arcoÍris es impresionante lanzar este reto es esto, ponerle un poquito de amor, desata o...
Jul 9, 2020
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reportero: ¿y que se llame lucÍa?co amor, nunca olvidarÉ m ♪ >> con estas canciÓ lo vamos a recordar toda la vida, se llama nunca olvidarÉ, una muy bonita canciÓn que le estÁ gustando a la gente. es referente a recuerdos que tenemos del buen amigo armando villa. esperemos que a la gente le guste. m te recordarÉ m m sufro sin ti, y me siento solo m reportero: el director de la sÉptima banda recordÓ que grabaron ste mar poco antes de la contingencia sanitaria. serÁ parte del prÓximo disco de la banda. >> este tema lo tenemos grabado antes de que comenzara la pandemia, grabado junto con otros temas mÁs, para completar el Álbum, pero nos faltaban detalles, ediciÓn, mezcla, masterizaciÓn. lo curioso del dato es que armando escogiÓ esta canción. Él me dice "walter hay una canciÓn que me gusta mucho, de repente la empiezan a cantar en un camerino de un evento los vocalistas y se sube a redes...". tuvo mucho enganche con la gente, y no estaba tan mal. reportero: prudencia de la panera, en distintos lugares de esta manera, las
reportero: ¿y que se llame lucÍa?co amor, nunca olvidarÉ m ♪ >> con estas canciÓ lo vamos a recordar toda la vida, se llama nunca olvidarÉ, una muy bonita canciÓn que le estÁ gustando a la gente. es referente a recuerdos que tenemos del buen amigo armando villa. esperemos que a la gente le guste. m te recordarÉ m m sufro sin ti, y me siento solo m reportero: el director de la sÉptima banda recordÓ que grabaron ste mar poco antes de la contingencia sanitaria. serÁ parte del...
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. >> reporter: a lucia employee stepped in. >> you will not talk to our guests like that, get out. >> who are they? >> they are valued guests. >> are they? >> yes, they are. >> i admire here for that. >> reporter: the restaurant ownership said we are proud of our employee keeping with our core values. and the ceo said his behavior is appalling and he made hurtful and devicisve i was taught to respect people of all races and i will take the time to reflect on my actions and work to better understand the inequality that so many of those around me face every day. >> he is just saving face, i think. i think he really meant what he said and did, i don't believe his had words. the actions speak louder. >> they say the actions in part have additional instagram comments that was directed at one of the family supporters that include come near me or my people and you are expletive dead. he did not comment on the post or as his role of a san francisco based tech company. >> i cannot say what he did was acceptable or right, no. it isn't. it isn't. a lot-of people will probably disagree with me fo
. >> reporter: a lucia employee stepped in. >> you will not talk to our guests like that, get out. >> who are they? >> they are valued guests. >> are they? >> yes, they are. >> i admire here for that. >> reporter: the restaurant ownership said we are proud of our employee keeping with our core values. and the ceo said his behavior is appalling and he made hurtful and devicisve i was taught to respect people of all races and i will take the time to...
Jul 16, 2020
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others believe that their government believes that you know no she should be respected international lucia's be respected and based in that they are moving from case to case still make it clear that what happened was was illegal but at the same time i think political attempts are more than maybe slowly to find you know exist strategy to solve the whole matter but unfortunately again as as you said there are other factors influencing the whole thing now everything is if it's a frozen because you know you have a medical action into a few months and everything is everyone is looking at what's happening in the united states so that i love that and that elements are influencing the whole thing but i do see there are 2 things july's are moving to there but they are very slowly and i'm not sure they would lead to any kind of result maybe before beginning of 2021 i want to thank all our guests allie i'll help poll more calls and there's use of harry and thank you too for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website al-jazeera dot com and for further discussion go to our fa
others believe that their government believes that you know no she should be respected international lucia's be respected and based in that they are moving from case to case still make it clear that what happened was was illegal but at the same time i think political attempts are more than maybe slowly to find you know exist strategy to solve the whole matter but unfortunately again as as you said there are other factors influencing the whole thing now everything is if it's a frozen because you...
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. >> reporter: a lucia employee stepped in. >> you will not talk to our guests like that, get out. >>ho are they? >> they are valued guests. >> are they? >> yes, they are. >> i admire here for that. >> reporter: the restaurant ownership said we are proud of our employee keeping with our core values. and the ceo said his behavior is appalling and he made hurtful and devicisve comments. i was taught to respect people of all races and i will take the time to reflect on my actions and work to better understand the inequality that so many of those around me face every day. >> he is just saving face, i think. i think he really meant what he said and did, i don't believe his had words. the actions speak louder. >> they say the actions in part have additional instagram comments that was directed at one of the family supporters that include come near me or my people and you are expletive dead. he did not comment on the post or as his role of a san francisco based tech company. >> i cannot say what he did was acceptable or right, no. it isn't. it isn't. a lot-of people will probably disagree wi
. >> reporter: a lucia employee stepped in. >> you will not talk to our guests like that, get out. >>ho are they? >> they are valued guests. >> are they? >> yes, they are. >> i admire here for that. >> reporter: the restaurant ownership said we are proud of our employee keeping with our core values. and the ceo said his behavior is appalling and he made hurtful and devicisve comments. i was taught to respect people of all races and i will take the...
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the caramel valley lucia waitress said she had been watching michael lofthouse all night. she wasn't serving him but observed him switch tables and send back food multiple times even being rude to her manager. the final straw? >> asian piece of -- >> oh, my god. >> get out of here. >> yeah i'm out. >> get out. you are not allowed here. >> i already put my -- money down here. >> do not talk to our guests like that. get out now. >> you hear the emotion coming out of my voice, to see my mannerisms, i -- it was unbelievable. you know, there was just something that came over me and i just did what needed to be done and i would think i did what anybody else should or would do in that situation. >> reporter: cochran's entire life is about service. she's worked in hospitality for 20 years and has been teaching yoga for ten years. >> i felt very protective of them. you know? it was, yeah, you don't come in here and say those kinds of things to people. especially people feel so raw coming out of the quarantine. most of these people it is the first time they've been out to dinner, ri
the caramel valley lucia waitress said she had been watching michael lofthouse all night. she wasn't serving him but observed him switch tables and send back food multiple times even being rude to her manager. the final straw? >> asian piece of -- >> oh, my god. >> get out of here. >> yeah i'm out. >> get out. you are not allowed here. >> i already put my -- money down here. >> do not talk to our guests like that. get out now. >> you hear the...
Jul 26, 2020
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not that is not beautiful coverage however is it when this video was shown to the chinese ambassador lucia man he said oh i don't know what it is going to be and thank you and he obviously dismissed the view as just a prison transfer happens everywhere in the world and and praised how beautiful. i. so much of the evidence is just documentary evidence or anecdotal evidence so when you get video material like this it's just an unprecedented visual reflection off the atrocity that's being carried out and that's why it has such an impact these are we sure people like ramos and saudis diplomats they're being challenged on national television about us that's not an easy situation for him to be. adrian zen's is an academic who from his base in germany studies chinese government documents online and turns them into news stories he recently produced a piece on beijing's population control policies in singeing detailed targeting going back to 2015 on how many weaker women would be implanted with are you d's how many would be sterilized his research was published by the associated press on june 28th
not that is not beautiful coverage however is it when this video was shown to the chinese ambassador lucia man he said oh i don't know what it is going to be and thank you and he obviously dismissed the view as just a prison transfer happens everywhere in the world and and praised how beautiful. i. so much of the evidence is just documentary evidence or anecdotal evidence so when you get video material like this it's just an unprecedented visual reflection off the atrocity that's being carried...
Jul 13, 2020
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. >> and that waitress gennica cochran defending this asian american family at lucia earlier this monthd the family and his name is michael lofthouse. now he stepped down from his position of ceo of solid 8. and in a statement lofthouse told the "san francisco chronicle," i can confirm that i have stepped down from solid 8 terminating all business relationships with immediate effect. i will continue to have a detrimental impact on those people closest to me. on line fund-raisers for gennica cochran have raised about $100,000. and when it comes to dwauli ieq and ace, we are here to help you take action. there are links at abc7news.com/take action. >>> a fire station in san jose is moving because of soil erosion. the city is relocating fire station number 8 from 17th west 13th street. city officials say erosion doesn't pose an immediate threat, but they are worried about their long term structural integrity. no date yet of when construction of the new fire station is set to start. >>> happenig today in the south bay, the winchester mystery house is reopening. visitors will be able to expl
. >> and that waitress gennica cochran defending this asian american family at lucia earlier this monthd the family and his name is michael lofthouse. now he stepped down from his position of ceo of solid 8. and in a statement lofthouse told the "san francisco chronicle," i can confirm that i have stepped down from solid 8 terminating all business relationships with immediate effect. i will continue to have a detrimental impact on those people closest to me. on line fund-raisers...
Jul 8, 2020
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make the cut up check you say it's not repeating the word i did a book on ththe bottoms of the group lucia. when john the most stylish if india was right. then when one time came in as a of. because till the nineteen. 90% of the seed was infamous hans and the rest came from the public sector. from the government labs research institutions. the ones who came illegally didn't take any approval with the promise that they would. increase farmers incomes and have this magical cooked close you to control pests well the ballroom is nonow hihis. farmer are in today it. was a committing suicide the area's been ruined the- pollinators a are gone there's o one in the groundwater gone through this thing up equal distance- seats. photo getty cartons back we work with the gun the us. on hand spinning and had feeding of okay cotton. the economy. in the villages where we work has jumped tenfold bececause now the west s staying in the village rather than being siphoned off at santa's profit and i read a new study this is because the safe seats we brought not. seen can savedd back into the economy monsanto
make the cut up check you say it's not repeating the word i did a book on ththe bottoms of the group lucia. when john the most stylish if india was right. then when one time came in as a of. because till the nineteen. 90% of the seed was infamous hans and the rest came from the public sector. from the government labs research institutions. the ones who came illegally didn't take any approval with the promise that they would. increase farmers incomes and have this magical cooked close you to...
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children are wiser or all over the world they have always been by the rubble and if there is strong lucia and that that gives this promise illegal promise that they have a role to play or to have to write tool education to health service i think this makes a certain difference because i'm not aware that this is a topic that is really inside the constitutional provision lot in in many constitutions i know of course we do have to united nations convention on the rights of to chide but if i speak of my country austria we have been lagging behind in implementing many of the provisions when it comes to children right right cause children are the future no matter how you look at it and bring them up properly and giving them a good result makes a country why do you think that the russian government's moving to refresh the constitution know what it actually needed or not do you think. whether they're of the russian federation of the year 2020 is in many regards i would say in a different situation than was the country in 1903. when we compare the international circumstances but also of course the
children are wiser or all over the world they have always been by the rubble and if there is strong lucia and that that gives this promise illegal promise that they have a role to play or to have to write tool education to health service i think this makes a certain difference because i'm not aware that this is a topic that is really inside the constitutional provision lot in in many constitutions i know of course we do have to united nations convention on the rights of to chide but if i speak...
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many thanks i'll be speaking to lucia chin is a senior research fellow at the chung institute for financial studies that said jim in university of china thank you thank you. and on to other news now angry protests across greece have full of the reopening of the highest fear as a mosque yesterday therefore museum held its 1st muslim prayers in almost 90 years into saloniki orthodox protesters burned turkish flags demonstrators there marched on the country's consulate and chanted anti ankara slogans condemning the reconversion here's what some of them had to say. this is a totally barbaric and on civilized move turning heise of fear into a mosque it's nice eric to go against all our to the people this is not right from the turkish because they have be your churches decreed to be about friday's muslim prayers to crowds of worshippers who filled the nearby square presidents tired their one was also in attendance surrounded by senior officials the turkish leader participated in the service and reciting verses from the qur'an he then expressed his delight at the reconversion. used to live in them
many thanks i'll be speaking to lucia chin is a senior research fellow at the chung institute for financial studies that said jim in university of china thank you thank you. and on to other news now angry protests across greece have full of the reopening of the highest fear as a mosque yesterday therefore museum held its 1st muslim prayers in almost 90 years into saloniki orthodox protesters burned turkish flags demonstrators there marched on the country's consulate and chanted anti ankara...
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the lucia. was really soldiers like you can come into such a. what a big move out of every single one of the trumpet ministration has been moving away from the current order with their stand up to china slogan but there's little turner tive how can there be when even global giants like apple have to play by china's rules that market access so it's unlikely hollywood will change anytime soon when it comes to choosing between politics and profit the film industry will pick the latter every time after all show business is just that a business. that's all for this hour news wise but if you're looking for more head on over to our website r.t. dot com for countless articles and all of our shows thanks for tuning in. you can be filled with yet you like. the world is driven by a dream shaped past and present those. thinks . we dare to ask. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to heal some air force base in alaska where is that to say come on i'll show you what's the reason for any type of enhanced u.s. military presence in this area
the lucia. was really soldiers like you can come into such a. what a big move out of every single one of the trumpet ministration has been moving away from the current order with their stand up to china slogan but there's little turner tive how can there be when even global giants like apple have to play by china's rules that market access so it's unlikely hollywood will change anytime soon when it comes to choosing between politics and profit the film industry will pick the latter every time...
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the carmel valley lucia waitress said she had been watching michael losthouse all night.him but saw him switch tables and send back food multiple times and even be rude to her manager. the final straw. >> asian piece of [ bleep ]. >> get out of here. get out. you are not allowed here. >> i already put my [ bleep ] money down. >> do not talk to our guests like that. get out now. >> to hear the emotion coming out of my voice, to see my mannerisms, i -- it was unbelievable. you know, it was -- there was just something that came over me and i just -- i just -- i did what needed to be done, and i think, you know, i did what anybody else should or would do in that situation. >> reporter: cochran's entire life is about service. she's worked in hospitality for 20 years. and has been teaching yoga for ten years. >> i felt very protective of them, you know? it was, yeah, you don't come in here and you say those kinds of things to people, you know? especially people feel so raw coming out of the quarantine, right? most of the people, this is the first time they've been out to dinner
the carmel valley lucia waitress said she had been watching michael losthouse all night.him but saw him switch tables and send back food multiple times and even be rude to her manager. the final straw. >> asian piece of [ bleep ]. >> get out of here. get out. you are not allowed here. >> i already put my [ bleep ] money down. >> do not talk to our guests like that. get out now. >> to hear the emotion coming out of my voice, to see my mannerisms, i -- it was...
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and its gun sank the heavy cruiser lucia. which went down with more than $1400.00 tons of fuel on board. the blueshirts still lies on the floor of the fjord 70 meters down. it has been officially designated as a war memorial to protect it from looters. but the wreck no longer poses a serious threat to the environment since the boucher say it's been leaking small amounts of fuel. in 1900 for the norwegian coastal authority had most of what was left pumped out. there is still some left 4050 estimated. cubics of the soul because they didn't empty the tanks. close to the i mean mission storage rooms due to the risk and and in addition when you empty rhetoric of remaining all you will always have small pockets with the salt still in there rick . morten storm confirms that some oil is still leaking out of the wreck. in fact he may have to organize another pumping operation. because the bishop and other warships are disintegrating. you also react because something is starting to leak more but we have also emptied wrecks because of y
and its gun sank the heavy cruiser lucia. which went down with more than $1400.00 tons of fuel on board. the blueshirts still lies on the floor of the fjord 70 meters down. it has been officially designated as a war memorial to protect it from looters. but the wreck no longer poses a serious threat to the environment since the boucher say it's been leaking small amounts of fuel. in 1900 for the norwegian coastal authority had most of what was left pumped out. there is still some left 4050...
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the carmel valley lucia waitress said she had been watching michael losthouse all night. she wasn't serving him but saw him switch tables and send back food multiple times and even be rude to her manager. the final straw. >> asian piece of [ bleep ]. >> get out of here. get out. you are not allowed here. >> i already put my [ bleep ] money down. >> do not talk to our guests like that. get out now. >> to hear the emotion coming out of my voice, to see my mannerisms, i -- it was unbelievable. you know, it was -- there was just something that came over me and i just -- i just -- i did what needed to be done, and i think, you know, i did what anybody else should or would do in that situation. >> reporter: cochran's entire life is about service. she's worked in hospitality for 20 years. and has been teaching yoga for ten years. >> i felt very protective of them, you know? it was, yeah, you don't come in here and you say those kinds of things to people, you know? especially people feel so raw coming out of the quarantine, right? most of the people, this is the first time they'v
the carmel valley lucia waitress said she had been watching michael losthouse all night. she wasn't serving him but saw him switch tables and send back food multiple times and even be rude to her manager. the final straw. >> asian piece of [ bleep ]. >> get out of here. get out. you are not allowed here. >> i already put my [ bleep ] money down. >> do not talk to our guests like that. get out now. >> to hear the emotion coming out of my voice, to see my mannerisms,...
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eventually the purges reached the top of the government in 1987 lucia she was dismissed as president summarily tried and placed under house arrest. following severe maltreatment his health deteriorated he died in prison and was cremated in secrecy . you would see me on october 17th 1967 a rebel faction of the beijing foreign studies university seized my father and accused him of being a foreign spy when i was told. michael crooks father david taught at the university before he was arrested on campus by a rebel faction and taken to an unknown location. his family tried desperately to find out where he was. a mother and i came to appeal for his release. she said to the rebels you are wrong to detain my husband david and i on not just married we are comrades and partners of the revolution. she was then also seized by the rebel faction. a lot of the foreigners were targeted during the cultural revolution. the wrongful capture of my father is just one example of your money. it's a come on to $66.00 a lot of the slogans are about capitalist road reversion ists a year later it's all about t
eventually the purges reached the top of the government in 1987 lucia she was dismissed as president summarily tried and placed under house arrest. following severe maltreatment his health deteriorated he died in prison and was cremated in secrecy . you would see me on october 17th 1967 a rebel faction of the beijing foreign studies university seized my father and accused him of being a foreign spy when i was told. michael crooks father david taught at the university before he was arrested on...
Jul 11, 2020
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is very sad day and aside from the conflict of military carving that the explicit syria there is a lucia right now even though it still open for the next 12 months at dusk compromise me turn 8 to northwest syria now left to explain that $1.00 to $2.00 points the 1st one right now would close. that comprises the delivery of one 3rd of the humanitarian aid to the northwest of syria so i think the russian numbers are not very accurate d.n.a. numbers are more accurate than that tells what that of the number of meter it goes through ups are so right now the resources and better and how it had to be scaled up by 50 percent the trucks have to travel more routes to get to the people this is significant expenses and danger that is not under funded operation it's an operation north of syria but the other concerning point that you know and i'm a sure how direction diplomats will be rationalizing that is that when you close by as you push the u.n. aid through but how and it's forwards we know that hey at the train a sham it's yes controls good portion of the roads that goes beyond our now with this
is very sad day and aside from the conflict of military carving that the explicit syria there is a lucia right now even though it still open for the next 12 months at dusk compromise me turn 8 to northwest syria now left to explain that $1.00 to $2.00 points the 1st one right now would close. that comprises the delivery of one 3rd of the humanitarian aid to the northwest of syria so i think the russian numbers are not very accurate d.n.a. numbers are more accurate than that tells what that of...
Jul 12, 2020
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with a safe options to deliver the aid to syria there is a lucia right now if it does that open for the next 12 months does compromise meet here in the north worse syria now that it's think that 2 points. the 1st one right now with the closing of berber said that come from eyes is the live view of one 3rd of the humanitarian aid to the northwest of syria so i think the russian numbers are not very accurately and numbers are more accurate than that tells you what to do the number of returning it goes through ups and out so right now the resources and bear with how it had to be scaled up by 50 percent the trucks have to travel more routes to get to the people this is significant expenses and danger that is in an underfunded operation a huge you know operation northwoods syria but the other concerning point that you know michel how the russian diplomats will be rationalizing that is that when you close. you push the u.n. aid through babbitt how and it's forwards we know that hey at the. controls good portion of the road that goes beyond babbitt how now with this resolution that russia push
with a safe options to deliver the aid to syria there is a lucia right now if it does that open for the next 12 months does compromise meet here in the north worse syria now that it's think that 2 points. the 1st one right now with the closing of berber said that come from eyes is the live view of one 3rd of the humanitarian aid to the northwest of syria so i think the russian numbers are not very accurately and numbers are more accurate than that tells you what to do the number of returning it...
Jul 22, 2020
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el presidente donald trump que antes lucÍa confiado ahora reconoce que la situaciÓn es grave.as gracias por brindarnos estos Últimos detalles. quiero contar que a esta hora demÓcratas del congreso se preparanpara poder desafiar en corte a la directiva del presidente donald trump que incluye indocumentados al distribuir escaÑos en la cÁmara baja. el mandatario dice que no va a permitir dichos inmigrantes tener representaciÓn congresional. activistas dicen que no incluirlos en el conteo viola la constituciÓn. lÍderes republicanos del senado prometen enviar una segunda ronda de cheques de estÍmulo por la pandemia. pasamos con edwin para conocer los detalles. edwin: exactamente. buenos dÍas. con esta firma del memorÁndum sobre inmigraciÓn el presidente donald trump busca que los emigrantes indocumentados sean contabilizados y que eso tenga un efecto dentro de la estructuraciÓn de escaÑos en el congreso. de acuerdo al texto de esta orden ejecutiva firmada por el mandatario, Él dice que el ejecutivo tiene toda la potestad de definir quiÉnes son habitantes de este paÍs. eso excluirÍa
el presidente donald trump que antes lucÍa confiado ahora reconoce que la situaciÓn es grave.as gracias por brindarnos estos Últimos detalles. quiero contar que a esta hora demÓcratas del congreso se preparanpara poder desafiar en corte a la directiva del presidente donald trump que incluye indocumentados al distribuir escaÑos en la cÁmara baja. el mandatario dice que no va a permitir dichos inmigrantes tener representaciÓn congresional. activistas dicen que no incluirlos en el conteo...
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. >> this family ways celebrating a birthday at lucia restaurant when michael lofthouse started cursingf solid 8. he apologized in a statement saying i can only imagine the stress and pain they feel. i was taught to respect people of all races and i will take the time to reflect on my actions and work to better understand the inequality that so many of those around me face every day. the family does not buy his apology. >> he is just saving face i think. i think that he really meant what he said and what he did. i don't believe his words. because his actions speak lourder than the words he is saying. >> a restaurant employee stepped in and told lofthouse to leave. the company issued a statement saying that it is proud of its staff for maintaining core values. >> absolutely. that waitress was amazing. >>> only on abc 7, an asian american family's fourth of july hike on mt. tam also took an uncomfortable turn. you will watch it here as a woman they encounter had some racist things to say. >> you can't be in this country. >> can't be in this country? >> a woman approached the family and sh
. >> this family ways celebrating a birthday at lucia restaurant when michael lofthouse started cursingf solid 8. he apologized in a statement saying i can only imagine the stress and pain they feel. i was taught to respect people of all races and i will take the time to reflect on my actions and work to better understand the inequality that so many of those around me face every day. the family does not buy his apology. >> he is just saving face i think. i think that he really meant...
Jul 3, 2020
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but then you have lucia county that will be tracking with drones. they say it's the bars, not the beaches that really spread this virus. and one grim note, jim, to point out here. as we are getting more information about this 11-year-old boy from miami-dade county who passed away from coronavirus, that is the youngest person in this state, he was severely compromised we have learned. still unclear. he wasn't traveling so it's still unclear how he got that virus, jim. >> still very sad news. randi kaye, thank you very much for that. let's get expert medical analysis from peter hotez and former u.s. surgeon general vivek murthy. you describe this as a perfect storm. the u.s. seeing its highest single day of new cases as the holiday weekend approaches. just how bad do you fear this could get? could we see things spike even more? >> thank you, jim. i'm deeply concerned about where we are in this pandemic. you know, we are certainly seeing more cases than we've ever seen. we are setting records, multiple records this week for new cases. but i fear that t
but then you have lucia county that will be tracking with drones. they say it's the bars, not the beaches that really spread this virus. and one grim note, jim, to point out here. as we are getting more information about this 11-year-old boy from miami-dade county who passed away from coronavirus, that is the youngest person in this state, he was severely compromised we have learned. still unclear. he wasn't traveling so it's still unclear how he got that virus, jim. >> still very sad...
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. >> reporter: a lucia employee quickly stepped in. >> do not talk to our guests that way. get out now. they are valued guests. >> are they? >> in an email, the vice president and general manager of the bernardus lodge and spa said, in part, we are proud of our staff in keeping with bernardus' core values. writing, my behavior in the video is appalling. this was clearly a moment where i lost control and made incredibly hurtful and divisive comments. i would like to deeply apologize to the family. i can only imagine the stress and pain they feel. i was taught to respect people of all races and i will take time reflect. >> i think he men what he said and what he did. i don't believe his words. because his actions speak louder than the words em. >> reporter: those actions in part include additional instagram comments directed at one of the supporters that include asian expletive or come near me and my people and you are expletive dead. there was an request for additional comment. >> i can't say what he did was acceptable or right. no. it isn't. it isn't. a lot of people will p
. >> reporter: a lucia employee quickly stepped in. >> do not talk to our guests that way. get out now. they are valued guests. >> are they? >> in an email, the vice president and general manager of the bernardus lodge and spa said, in part, we are proud of our staff in keeping with bernardus' core values. writing, my behavior in the video is appalling. this was clearly a moment where i lost control and made incredibly hurtful and divisive comments. i would like to...
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the caramel valley lucia waitress said she had been watching michael lofthouse all night.im but observed him switch tables and send back food multiple times even being rude to her manager. the final straw? >> asian piece of -- >> oh, my god. >> get out of here. >> yeah i'm out. >> get out. you are not allowed here. >> i already put my -- money down here. >> do not talk to our guests like that. get out now. >> you hear the emotion coming out of my voice, to see my mannerisms, i -- it was unbelievable. you know, there was just something that came over me and i just did what needed to be done and i would think
the caramel valley lucia waitress said she had been watching michael lofthouse all night.im but observed him switch tables and send back food multiple times even being rude to her manager. the final straw? >> asian piece of -- >> oh, my god. >> get out of here. >> yeah i'm out. >> get out. you are not allowed here. >> i already put my -- money down here. >> do not talk to our guests like that. get out now. >> you hear the emotion coming out of my...
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the carmel valley lucia waitress said she had been watching michael all night. had not serve him but saw him sent back food all night long. even be rude to the manager. the final straw? >> get out of here! get out! you are not allowed here. do not talk to our guests like that. get out now! >> to hear the emotion coming out of my voice, to see my manneris mannerisms. it was unbelievable. you know, there was just something that came over me and i just, i just, i did what needed to be done. i think i did what anybody else should or would do in that situation. >> reporter: her entire life is about service. she's worked in hospitality for 20 years and has been teaching yoga for ten years. >> i felt very protective of them. you don't come in and say those things to people. especially being so raw coming out of quarantine. most of these people, it is the first time they've come out to dinner. and then someone attacking them. no. no. i don't have time for this. >> reporter: she was not even the waitress for the family who was celebrating a birthday. she was just nearby.
the carmel valley lucia waitress said she had been watching michael all night. had not serve him but saw him sent back food all night long. even be rude to the manager. the final straw? >> get out of here! get out! you are not allowed here. do not talk to our guests like that. get out now! >> to hear the emotion coming out of my voice, to see my manneris mannerisms. it was unbelievable. you know, there was just something that came over me and i just, i just, i did what needed to be...
Jul 20, 2020
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lucia >>> a cooldown for parts of the bay area this afternoon. we'll show you what you can expect for your bay area tuesday coming up. my money should work as hard as i do. that's why i use my freedom unlimited card to buy heavier weights online. got it! go time! with freedom unlimited, you're always earning. i should've purchased lighter weights! dearand with summer here,these energy bills are rising. together, we can save energy and money... by taking steps to stay cool while using less. keep safe and keep it golden. >>> bay area workers joined thousand of others in 35 didn't cities today to protest racial inequality and to call for higher wages. workers from oakland, san francisco, and berkeley were part of the walkout. they are calling on corporate leaders and elected officials to use exhibitive and legislative power to guarantee people of all races can be safe and also thrive. >> stand in solidarity with one another to actually demand wage justice, and to demand justice in general, and to not be forced to choose between our lives and our liv
lucia >>> a cooldown for parts of the bay area this afternoon. we'll show you what you can expect for your bay area tuesday coming up. my money should work as hard as i do. that's why i use my freedom unlimited card to buy heavier weights online. got it! go time! with freedom unlimited, you're always earning. i should've purchased lighter weights! dearand with summer here,these energy bills are rising. together, we can save energy and money... by taking steps to stay cool while using...
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statement, the vice president and general manager of bernardus lodge said, we are proud of our staff at lucia in keeping with the core values. michael lofthouse also wrote a statement saying my behavior in the video is appalling. this was clearly a moment where i lost control and made incredibly hurtful and divisive comments. i would like to deeply apologize to the chan family. i can only imagine the pain they feel. i was taught to respect people of all races. i will take time to reflect on my actions and work to better understand the inequality around me every day. >> i think he really men what he said and what he did. i don't believe his words because his actions speak louder than the words he's saying. >> he says those actions in part include additional instagram comments that appear to have been posted by lofthouse directed at one of the county's supporters that include asian expletive and come near me or my people and you are expletive dead. lofthouse did not respond to a request for additional comment or his role as a solid eight ceo, a tech company. >> i can't say what he did was accep
statement, the vice president and general manager of bernardus lodge said, we are proud of our staff at lucia in keeping with the core values. michael lofthouse also wrote a statement saying my behavior in the video is appalling. this was clearly a moment where i lost control and made incredibly hurtful and divisive comments. i would like to deeply apologize to the chan family. i can only imagine the pain they feel. i was taught to respect people of all races. i will take time to reflect on my...
Jul 30, 2020
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Él lucÍa diferente, tenía una mochila y tenÍa una chaqueta larga puesta.umplir?", y seguÍa adelante. Él tenÍa esperanzas, se imaginaba y vivÍa, y se desplazaba a favor de su comunidad amada. a Él le dieron muchos golpes de mÁs de una ocasiÓn. Él perdiÓ el domingo sangriento esa mochila. nadie sabe lo que pasÓ con esa mochila, quizÁ algÚn dÍa alguien tendrÁ una buena conciencia y lo devolverÁ, pero lo que representÓ, nunca desapareciÓ del espÍritu de john lewis. honramos a esa memoria hoy dÍa porque como niÑo Él aprendiÓ a caminar, para marchar con otros, para salvar una casa pequeÑa, debido a que como joven Él desafiÓ a otros, ya que se unieran a su causa, con amor y dignidad para sujetar a estados unidos y a sus cimientos, y abrir al pueblo de estados unidos a todo el mundo. al honramos porque en aquella ocasiÓn john y sus amigos demostraron que a veces hay que caminar con el viento y en contra del viento. el cruzar el puente en marshall, montgomery, di john siempre seguia caminando para su comunidad amada. se metiÓ en muchos problemas en camino, pero no
Él lucÍa diferente, tenía una mochila y tenÍa una chaqueta larga puesta.umplir?", y seguÍa adelante. Él tenÍa esperanzas, se imaginaba y vivÍa, y se desplazaba a favor de su comunidad amada. a Él le dieron muchos golpes de mÁs de una ocasiÓn. Él perdiÓ el domingo sangriento esa mochila. nadie sabe lo que pasÓ con esa mochila, quizÁ algÚn dÍa alguien tendrÁ una buena conciencia y lo devolverÁ, pero lo que representÓ, nunca desapareciÓ del espÍritu de john lewis....
Jul 2, 2020
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i think there's -- i don't know about video lucia county. but several are going to be owned.e not as densely packed as the south florida beaches. >> what are you going to do to control the number of people who are on your beach? >> well, we're not necessarily out to control the number of people as we are gauging their ability to keep a safe distance from one another. the police department will be out to enforce as best we can social distancing. you know, we have got the -- you know, the last -- the last option for us is to close the beach and -- >> when will it happen? you say as best we can. look, we have seen pictures from around the country of some places that have been open and you can see people on top of each other. so what will take place if that's the eventuality? >> well, it depends on like said, how it works out for us in jacksonville beach. the other thing to keep in mind, you know, the government can't solve this problem by itself. it needs the citizens support to help us all, get behind us. quite frankly, people need to take accountability and responsibility for
i think there's -- i don't know about video lucia county. but several are going to be owned.e not as densely packed as the south florida beaches. >> what are you going to do to control the number of people who are on your beach? >> well, we're not necessarily out to control the number of people as we are gauging their ability to keep a safe distance from one another. the police department will be out to enforce as best we can social distancing. you know, we have got the -- you know,...
Jul 8, 2020
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level lucia know me. the languages thing was what they were passionate about. bill gates and paul allen's goal in 175 was to dominate the languages business on personal computers that's why they left harvard immediately afterwards in april 975 gates and allen start their company microsoft the purpose is to sell basic but above all to develop new software for future computers also in 1985 in palo alto california another do you own steve jobs and steve wozniak high school students who are fans of this new technology also discovered the ultimate h. the start of an epic journey. steve was you know he looked at that beltre for him this was not elegant and there were too many chips the thing was too big so immediately what was was doing this head was saying i can design a computer all on one board this would be the apple one was in jobs are the 1st to succeed in putting all of the components that make a computer hooked onto a single board power supply keyboard and memory all connected to screen the 2 friends had just invented the personal computer making the album on
level lucia know me. the languages thing was what they were passionate about. bill gates and paul allen's goal in 175 was to dominate the languages business on personal computers that's why they left harvard immediately afterwards in april 975 gates and allen start their company microsoft the purpose is to sell basic but above all to develop new software for future computers also in 1985 in palo alto california another do you own steve jobs and steve wozniak high school students who are fans of...
Jul 4, 2020
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. >> you too >> my daughter, lucia. >> hi. >> jimmy: oh, come on. >> the vegetables. [ talking over each> jimmy: yes. >> when you're at home for long periods. >> jimmy: i have a lot of chickpeas at my house. >> some corn why? because canned vegetables are good >> jimmy: they are >> i'm french, but if you don't have -- canned vegetables are excellent. actually, they need love they feel sometimes like we're ashaming them. [ laughter ] vegetables in a can, they have feelings too >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> look at how beautiful they are. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh, you guys >> look at this great -- >> jimmy: you guys, you can get your dad out of there. >> they have feelings. the poor chickpea. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> they always say, "why people think like we're not good people?" >> jimmy: how do you live with this guy how do you live with this guy in your house? >> i don't know. >> i don't know. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> take a look i know this is an expensive machine and not everybody has it, but this is a machine that makes rice and when it's ready, it's going to sing. >> jimmy:
. >> you too >> my daughter, lucia. >> hi. >> jimmy: oh, come on. >> the vegetables. [ talking over each> jimmy: yes. >> when you're at home for long periods. >> jimmy: i have a lot of chickpeas at my house. >> some corn why? because canned vegetables are good >> jimmy: they are >> i'm french, but if you don't have -- canned vegetables are excellent. actually, they need love they feel sometimes like we're ashaming them. [ laughter ]...