follow through not turn it into their own people about the need for cooper months there's still lucian western political solution to this problem would never be achieved by being in posed but a pressure of the united states or anyone who wants in those i read in as a bunch of really see the members so there has to be a direct dialogue between them that seriously looks at compromise when it had that they've approached peace you know that having to be exposed to what if a turkish news in my household and it's not always clear whether it is. or accurately that's leading the charge i wonder how does terry case involving a change that contrary to what it is it can get anything out. 20 years ago or is it something qualitatively different. it's it's just sitting in. the underlying problem has changed and it was qualitatively different today it is a dramatic difference is the level of armaments does this but both sides in the position of turkey. you raised when i had worked on this is 200-2001 they were approaching a solution. it was a complete supporter of bringing about a peaceful resolution. it's t