for more we're joined by lucianne walkowicz who led a petition to read and the telescope.nder of the just space a lens which made a new documentary about the telescope which we are going to be featuring today. in these first minutes before we play the part of this documentary, lucianne walkowicz, your response to the new images of space nasa released and why you made the film to push for renaming the jwst telescope? >> the images are incredibly striking, absolutely beautiful, and it will teach us so much about the universe. i wish i could feel unreserved excited out them. unfortunately, the way nasa has dug in its heels about naming the telescope after james webb has really cast a pall over that for me personally and i know a lot of other queer astronomers as well. i thought this was one of the times to release this documentary in part because i think we in the astronomy community have gone through number of different methods to try and help nasa see sense on this issue. i personally was a member of the astrophysics advisor committee for nasa for many years until i resigne