c, w is lucien schultz and reports from monday onboard. sported cheques like these become more frequent in germany across all 9 countries. this which it shares the land border, situated in the heart of the european union, germany already has temporary checks and plays along its borders to the south and east. but as of now, broad checks will also be introduced at the frontiers to the rest of his front, luxembourg, belgium, and the netherlands, and to the north with denmark for an initial period of 6 months. as a member of the free traveler chang and zone, the german government had to notify the you, commission of its plan. this chang and zone consist of most of you countries and some of its neighbors, founded in 1985. this area guarantees free movement without border control or passport checks. these measures can be reintroduced exceptionally. then there is a threat to national internet security. breland is justifying its move. the device this would serve to further limit, irregular migration and protect against a cute, dangerous pose, but islam his terror and serious crime. we are doing