lucin, what about now, what is the section?folds so became and we will not be needed i need nothing. few who are you, what do you think? who is it? who will decide us, you me. who else is you? me for what me for what? what? where are you? yes, here i am wiping, but do you remember how you felt sorry for me in the zone? i remember that i almost lost my mind. you defined me as a medical unit. poisoned do you remember midnight i helped you get out? but how? of course. i will remember the coffin of life. are you okay. cherkasov criminal growth and what actually happens comrade? just got you a soundtrack from the region, which says that mine was killed in cherkassy. near of the village of kupavny, moscow region, on the side of the road, a dying man was found without documents, before death occurred, the dead reported that he was my director in cherkassy in his stas . he was beaten, then they were forcibly injected. i think they sat down with a lethal dose of drugs, but let's wait for the results of the examination. and here's anothe