address was 816 third street, and i i mentioned lucinda bush clark. who helped to round up the people in? for the pearl, but she was one of many elizabeth smallwood was yet another african-american woman. who we know about her exploits on the local underground railroad because her husband thomas smallwood wrote a narrative about their activities and during the eighteen forties. they moved more than 150 freedom seekers out of the misery that was slavery in washington dc and the surrounding maryland counties in to the glories of what would be freedom in canada and other places. we must consider. other dangers that competent that afflicted rather the people who sought to use the underground railroad in your mind's eye. i would have you come with me now. to what would sunday be georgia avenue, but in these days it is august the 8th. it is 1850 and a carriage late at night is zooming out of the city toward what today would be the intersection. of georgia avenue and eastern avenue if you go there today, there's a small park if you have a moment. pull over a