etc., and when to lord robertson who was lucius clay's british counterpart and the first lucius clayas against the airlift. he thought it was impossible, and he wanted to use an armored column down the audubon the 110 miles from the western zone, and so when roberts and talk to him about an airlift, first he said it is impossible. it is absolutely impossible. and robertson and then kurds devin the foreign minister of britain both said, well we are going to do it anyway, and it is certainly going to be embarrassing that americans can't do with all they have what we can do with nothing, and clay gave the right answer, which is, i am with you. but, it was-- the british were amazing and more brits died in the airlift then americans, parvi because their planes were even in worse shape than they had a larger crews. they carried a navigator with them so they had four men on the plane where we had three, so when airplanes crashed they tended to have a higher casualty rate but i for one, who was supposed with a bit of then-- came away with an enormous respect. the english to me are so-- their