>> lucretia clay. from a kentucky family. marriage into that family also gave him entry into a lot of political circles that would have denied him. she brought with that marriage money and they basically had the connections because her family was related to a lot of people and he used those connections to move forward, but he also once he got his foot in the door, key open the door himself through his own skills and his own abilities. >> if henry clay were standing here today, what did he look like, what did he sound like? >> i don't think anybody would sit down with henry clay and not leave without liking henry clay. he was a man not a handsome man. everybody says he was ugly and said his mouth was so large that he couldn't spit properly. he was a man who liked the ladies as they said and somebody at the time said he could kiss them out of one side of his mouth was resting the other side of his mouth. but he could charm you. there was a person that came to henry clay's home and to a party, a room filled with people, room big