because thatditing is graphic images between when the camera pans over to her boyfriend slumped and luddy didn't want to show those images but the essence frames the entire incident there. some people say that she is eerily calm in the narration. she gives her version of the story. but clearly, you did hear her hadain that her boyfriend explained that he was licensed to carry a gun. this important. because there is a distinction made. an unarmed black man a shot as opposed to an armed lack man is shot. unarmed, it is seen as more of a horrific crime because this is a defenseless man. this man did apparently have a gun but she wanted to be clear in this video that this is a gun that he was licensed to carry. and we know that we have 300 million guns of circulating in the united states and that is an important point. she also tried to explain to the officer that when he reached, he was reaching for his registration and his license, not for his gun. we don't hear the officer's version until briefly, you heard the officer say "i told him to get his hands up." the prospect is that the officer