it's been badly damaged in fighting with russian troops, ludovic lensky says, the situation in russian held parts of eastern ukraine is extremely difficult. a former secretary at a nazi concentration camp has been found guilty of complicity in the murder more than 11000 people. 97 year old am god who hello, got a 2 year suspended sentence for jim. on the death toll from a fuel tanka explosion, a navy afghan capital has risen to at least 96 people. dozens of more have been injured. it happened when a truck transporting fuel overturned in a tunnel along the mounted us salon pass. now in the g, blah, soil and afghan journalist, and joins me now on skype from a cobble. it's difficult to underestimate how important this pass is, particularly now when we're in the wintertime right? yeah, exactly. it is one of the basic highway is one of the most important high. we've got that connect the central carbon capital cobbled to the entire northern province of gotten it done. it is not very high. import is not only for the passengers to pass from college to northern provinces and back from northern