luff , there is money. you don't have to think about anything, you just lay on the couch and relaxed,hen those 500 mental units ended, well, the experiment failed a bit, you know that if you go back to mr. igor's metaphor for a second, he is so metaphorically referred to decommunization, but i would also like to do so metaphorically, only we still have such a thing as decentralization and you know the war sooner or later i hope it will end soon with our victory and those people who were forced, for example, to go somewhere to western ukraine and there stay now to work we all know that to vinnytsia it was from the west of ukraine, not only the west, that they went to kyiv, for example, because there the salary is a little higher, the prospects are a little higher, will decentralization remain after the war, you know, especially in the working i am interested in what you think. i think that in general the map of ukrainian production of ukrainian enterprises has already completely changed, we have lost a huge number of metallurgical plants, so i think that everything will be redrawn and