but florida was discovered in 1550 by the venetian aristocrat luigi carnara, who published the book the of longevity, in which he described the basic principles of life that help them stay healthy. the author attributed the sleep to moderate nutrition and the absence of stress. the first scientific study. in this area began at the end of the xix century. in 1882. the german professor august feisman publishes the first theory of aging, and in 1903 the russian scientist ilya mechnikov introduces the term gerontology, the doctrine of old age, he found out through experiments. nutrition affects life expectancy, after 25 years, also a russian scientist alexander bogdanov creates the world's first institute for blood transfusion. since he believes that it is in this way that the body can be rejuvenated, however, during the next transfusion, scientists die at that time nothing was known about the compatibility of blood types a few years later, a swiss doctor. paul nihon develops a method for injecting stem cells. among his patients, i would like her winston churchill and charles de gaulle duri