drama begins, huilla, which premiered on monday at the international mff competition , directed by luis basuritowhat what to do next, the man returns to his hometown, where many years ago his father was killed by the rescue of luis, bees become, finding themselves in an abandoned apiary. he recalls how he and his father mastered beekeeping and decides to turn his childhood passion into his life's work. somehow he emotionally overcomes this huge disunity that is now, uh, more and more formed between people. this is all very frightening. uh, and in fact the film is some kind of therapeutic effect for the soul, ah, films and excellent musical accompaniment. meanwhile , at the site of another main national competition of the moscow film festival , russian premieres in the art cinema showed a new film by boris akopov kat she is young, beautiful and has the same magical charm that drives men crazy in a couple of seconds, however, her place of work is not at all glossy magazines, and the usual escort, where behind the shiny facade there is nothing but dirt and lust and little kat is the heroine of the