luis miranda. i. i have the honor of serving with him on the board of nyc tourism, but that's just a one of many organization that he somehow manages to be at small ously gracing all with his strong presence and wise counsel. the hispanic federation which he founded, the latino victory fund, which he chaired as the northern manhattan arts alliance, viva broadway, the amber charter school, east harlem. and he's on the board of the public theater as well for louis cuny is a familiar base as well because he is the former chair of the center for latin american, caribbean and latino studies at the graduate center. and in his spare time, he has served in several mayoral administrations and consult on the political campaigns of such luminaries as clinton. chuck schumer, kirsten gillibrand, ferrer, tish and others. all this, and he is also a founding of the consulting firm, the miramar group and subject and hero of a document called siempre luis, which screened at sundance and aired on hbo. he's also the gran