so, we hope the luisa program will replace in slow and manual processs that we have to go through now to -- with more faster and automated ways of producing data to make data easier to use, for better visualization, understanding and insight to create much richer information products and services that are greater value to you. and to reduce the response time in responding to these inquiries and as well to make collaboration easier. our goal today is to describe this nicker tiff -- initiative in a little more detail for you and seek your ongoing support. this initiative also featuring more and more prominently on our work program because it is an effort that in and of itself takes resources and time in additions to the daily ongoing production of data. so you are familiar with a lot of the individual products that we've been producing for many years. whether it's the housing, monitoring and inventory products or the various job and business reporting we do such as the commerce and industry report. our quarterly pipeline reports. a lot of the 2d mapping and simulations that we do. socio