i believe i announced last month, ian, and he is with us, luke angus joined us shortly after the february board meeting. you'll see his credentials. he's got quite a bit of extensive academic and work experience for someone of such youth. i think of that as youth nowadays in my place in life, and we do have a couple of openings, the managing director of private markets, as well as a security analyst for real assets. those positions are opened. at least one, we think, is very, very close to being closed. and commissioner chu, we have not forgotten about your request to calendar the items. the last month was extraordinarily busy. i anticipated that, so at the february board meeting i said we'd anticipate getting this to you in april, and we still hope to do that. the investment committee meeting has been calendared for april 17th. we do have an agenda that we need to put forth to that. that concludes the cio report and we'll turn it over to board for any questions or comments. >> thank you, bill, and welcome, luke. board emembers, any questions? >> where's luke at? stand up. good color, my