>> good morning commissioners, luke o'brien, coalition for responsible growth. you know, just as some feedback, it's not a real satisfactory situation right now in terms of feeling like, well, i understand exactly what is going on and i understand where it's going. as far as the past is concerned, i probably would prefer to look to the future and let the past go, although there seems to be an awful lot of unanswered questions. it might be better to just let that be as it is and look forward. i came here and testified at a previous meeting and i indicated that logistically this is not an impossibility. sure, it's a challenge, but it's not an impossibility. i also suggested keeping it small to begin with with the caveat that it's expandable as a system and, therefore, you can build a system that will be maybe servicing one department initially and subsequently will be expandable to serve as other departments and can be modified to accept protocols that other departments' computerized systems may be using that may be different than the system or protocol that the d