many of them use the disabilityed workers to fulfill the contracts that they have which are very luketive. the ceo of good this makes a six-figure salary. we're not asking businesses or very few businesses take advantage of this provision. peuss want productive workers and workers with disabilities can be productive if they're given the right support. >> two things. is there anyway to get a sense of how many of these workers who are diseightye disabled can work in a main stream environment. >> it's my belief that any person who wants to work can work. disabilities. >> it doesn't matter. what we've learned through the technologies that we've developed in our industry is that the real heart of the matter is about the businesses. what do you peuss need? what is the need for the business. the business needs for people with disabilities want to work and have skills and interests. >> what's the innocentive for a business to hire somebody who is disabilityed when they can have somebody that is not. >> if they are making a good job then that person is able to do that job. many ep in ep many emplo