there are an estimated 56,000 lumbi indians. and they have state recognition but they don't have federal recognition. and the reason they don't have federal recognition, they say, is 'cause the eastern band of cherokees in north carolina don't want them to because then they'll have to sort of split the federal pie for funding. but they are -- they are thought to be the descendents of the lost colony of roanoke. and they're interesting because they're part -- part native, part anglo and part african-american. and you see sort of the strands in this group when you meet them. and they're very -- they're very christian. they don't have any native religion left 'cause that was lost along with their language so they're very enthusiastic southern baptists and methodists and they are trying to get recognition and they don't have it yet. and i live in california and almost no one i met have met lumbis. >> now, when we talk about tribes, there's a word that -- sort of the operative word for legal and other purposes, which is enrollment in