at the beginning of march 1944 , a group of german microbiologists headed by professor lumenthal arrivedssya region. their task was to determine the place where bacteriological weapons could be used. after inspecting the wehrmacht defense line , blumenthal points to the swamps. near the village of azariychi. his assistant, gaiman, proposes to expand the epidemiological the vices of creating two more camps in the villages of dert and boletus, and when we talk about the death camp at azarice today, we mean it. three camps at once, their territory occupied about five hectares here, it was planned to drive almost 20,000 people, but the plan was overfulfilled by 2 1/2 times in forest swamps. they rounded up 50,000 old men, women and children of the death camp in the area of \u200b\u200bpopulated areas to tear, and the dawning boletus were experimental similar ones planned to be created throughout the territory of belarus in places where, according to the nazi leadership will find it extremely difficult to contain the advance of the council. tail, and people infected with typhus will help st