think the question is, are there conflicts that arise by doing behavioral prompts to encourage senator lumisto trade and sending him a different prompt than senator warner or warren. they've sort of differentially marketed to the three. >> if we go down that path and states like mine that have an education lottery, i think in maryland you have a similar lottery. if you go down that path and we look at possible restrictions or eliminating gamification in the investment sector, why wouldn't we apply that same logic to lottery systems across the country or any publicly gameified ventures? >> we just put out a public comment to ask, could you help us, the public, comment on the a platform is maximizing to revenues by marketing to each of these senators in this room differently, could there be a conflict rather than what's considering what's best for each of you. so it's that these platforms are now optimizing based upon our fitbit, based upon our mobile apps, based upon how we drive our cars. they're maximizing based upon all of this data. and that brings us greater innovation. it's a plus to in