lun c lincoln was different than wash work he was born into a democracy. he became a party man. washington hated parties. he believed in, a nation, washington's thinking was not precisely national. even as it became -- continental. he centered i think more on the great republic. than on an idea of -- of nationalism. but these men shared those same ways of, having, a set of values without an ideology. of having a large purpose without fixed and structured plans. of the sort that -- became too rigid and constraining. of working -- closely with the people, but reserving their own leadership. most of all, the capacity for growth, this new wonderful book on, abraham lincoln by eric thunder, describes the growth of lincoln. through the years. the sameten about washington and roosevelt. now he is commanding a global power. a completely different undertaking at least in many of its parts. he also built the broad base of very able leaders. of putting republicans into the major positions, early in the war, secretary of war, secretary of the navy, working across party lines in that, in tha