this guy chris lungo also wanted to be that and read my articles.the kinds of articles i would like to do. that's the way i would have written it. >> he identified with you. not strategic for his crimes. >> he was a fan and when on the run he's like i'm going to fulfill this unusual fantasy of being a journalist. he took on my name not only my name. >> bizarre. >> talked about stories he wrote that i actually wrote. met a photographer quote/unquote hired a photographer and they became a couple. this is really unusual stuff. >> wow. >> what is it -- in this movie jonah hill plays you. what is it like watching this movie and seeing a famous hollywood star playing you? do you feel like yeah he got me or that's not what i would say, that's not how i would handle it. what's that experience like? >> it's a little surreal to say the least. jonah hill is so talented. i was honored he played me. i thought he did a good job. it's a movie. things different in real life. >> like hanging out with you to capture your character, personality? >> we had one relative