we plant the light in three ways, three, yes, i think, you know the old grandfather’s method of lunku shlukhas great, gives a good harvest, and besides... in this option, we additionally loosen the soil for the joy of our plantings, and although potatoes are a relatively unpretentious, you will still need to hill it up during the season, because without hilling the steel and teoleur shoots simply will not grow. this must be done three times during the summer, when the bushes reach a height of 15-20 cm, 2-3 weeks after the first hilling and just before flowering, so you have to work with a shovel, but the next method does without this at all... we spread agrofibre, if the material thin, we fold it in two layers, due to its dark color it actively absorbs the sun's rays, warms the soil and at the same time transmits air moisture, make cross-shaped cuts at a distance of... 30 cm and lay out our planting material. the kidneys, as we remember, should be located at the top, yeah. having seen the light of god, the shoots actively begin to grow from above and continue to grow like ordinary plants, but