the prospect of family get togethers at christmas but if infection rates don't fall and extended lupton can't be ruled out. more now from our political correspondent thomas sparrow told us credible recent factions have been rising sharply in germany a host of health system coping at this point. terry the main concern that german authorities have both at the federal level but also regionally and locally is the speed at which the coronavirus is actually spreading new figures for example pointed to the fact that nearly 85 percent of german districts are now considered hotspots so for now germany's health system has been able to cope with the coronavirus pandemic but if the virus continues to spread at the speed at which we're seeing then the health system will soon be overwhelmed another issue altogether is those regional health departments that are in charge of tracking of tracing infection and as we heard from coal last week germany can no longer trace now around 75 percent of infections so that gives you an idea terry of just how serious the situation is here in germany and that explain