the private dining rooms at lusco's are still here. the menu, much the same.dose of anchovy. onion rings. >> salad makes me happy. >> yeah, me, too. >> mostly the anchovies make me happy. >> yeah, yeah, love those. catfish for mr. edge, the famous pompano for me. >> it's the kind of the mark of being a great restaurant in the delta if you have pompano. >> that's a big damn fish. no way i'm finishing this. sitting here, the booths, the curtains, the whole ring bell for service thing, it seems lost in time. >> we've got a long and ugly history. but one of the things you love about this place is you can't deny the burden of the past. like, it's on your shoulders, right there. america chooses to deny its problems, you know, in many ways. and then declares itself a post-racial society. that just doesn't fly in mississippi. you can't claim that. ♪ oh what fun it is to ride. get the mercedes-benz on your wish list at the winter event going on now - but hurry, the offer ends december 31st. [ho, ho, ho!] lease the 2015 c300 4matic for $419 a month at your local mercede