the fact is that you know there's a long tradition of populism in italy and actually you know been luscombe lie as much as the need is has lied and is lying it's a context in which in fact lying is the currency so the thing about that is that you know you have to tell bigger and bigger lies in order to attract attention that's why populists lie right it's because they do it in order to be seen to be lying they're not covering things up really what they're actually doing is saying you know look at look at the lengths we're willing to go to in order to really speak the mind of the speak the mind of the people in the case of italy it's it's particularly interesting because it's not that voters turned against the right. overreach he gambled he lost right now he's in opposition in fact his popular support hasn't been dented so you know if there were to be another election in italy so he could very well be at 3538 percent he hasn't he hasn't lost out very much because it's a context in fact where you know lying has currency but i think that there are other places and hopefully britain you know is