became the best, stole cherepanov's wife, and now he hunts and behind the pebbles, you need to pull lushinoait. i'm afraid to shake something extra your wife at my place. if you want to see her alive and unharmed, bring me waiting for you, in an hour the universities, without touching. hey, cherkasov's team has only one evening to figure everything out, the brain, gas case number eight in two days, the final series, today i'll go to pervoi petra. tilt a monday big premiere historical saga cathedral large-scale painting canvas 1700 on the throne peter is a time of great ambitions and great changes. here is where to build. what are you talking about? well, what temple? at least once in your life, try to put in the center of the plot the young fortress ivan without memory in love with the daughter of his master masha, both understand they will never be together. you need to know your place. i'm tender. and you, i will not give you up, prince. i have a flower garden from now on, the life of lovers will change forever masha is married to a rich neighbor gabrielle ran away. prince, believe me, i