arrested for performing the song we have many examples of rappers being punished for obscenity luther campbell in 2 live crew would be the most sort of obvious example but the judiciary and police have yes worked in tandem on for as long as there has been hip hop for as long as there has been rap music there has been this antagonism and those are the 2 institutions that are primarily response from the book it's been quite an effective technique in the court it's absolutely effective it's frighteningly effective and it's effective not only in securing convictions but as the practice gains momentum and as judges continue to not do their jobs as gate keepers in the courtroom and as appeals are continually unsuccessful we see that there is no reason to believe that this is going to slow down at all prosecutors have realized that if you can get these inflammatory lyrics in front of a jury they can be highly prejudicial and secure convictions even when evidence is weak otherwise although as you point out i think there was a study somebody did with country. yes lyrics of. johnny cash talks about shoo