this is action item and introduced by executive director abbieient and presented by lutischa harris. >> good afternoon commissioners. abbieient executive director. it is my pleasure to present our strategic plan for the year 2023-2025. we have been through a lot of change over the last number of years and it isn't slowing down. so we went through a rather arduous and lengthy process internally to put this plan together. lutischa lead the effort. it is like herding cats and getting us on the same page and we did choose a style of planning that is different then what we used in the past so that was a big learning curve for all of us. but i have to commend the management team who put in a lot of effort and work directly with their staff to develop the objectives that are already embedded in the plan. with that, i will have presentch >> good afternoon. leticia harris. the previous draft presented in powerpoint form on the screen now is a picture of the 2023-2025 strategic plan narrative form. at the september board meeting commissioners introduced to tactical approaches refresh activitie