we could have started in the caves of lascaux or the temples of luxor.ut if there is a source to which weste art and thought cotaly refers, it's in ancient greece and rome, which are forever fantasized and idealized, but are with us wherever we look. more than 200 years ago, when the founding fathers of the united states were building their new capital here in washington, they searched for a visual style which would embody their democratic ideals, and they found it in greece and rome in a style which for them, as still for us, embodies harmony, order, and freedom. the west has built its temples to liberty and justice and to money and power in the greek and roman style. you see it in trafalgar square in london and in leningrad in the soviet union. at the root of the western tradition-- in architecture, painting, and sculpture-- is the classical legacy. it's so ingrained in our way of seeing things that we don't notice when we use it in tv, commercials, magazines, coins, even on our credit card. many of our uses for it no doubt would astonish people from t