también estaban nancy, rosalyn y luz helena, luz helena castro.quí está esta historia. yo la capturé. aquí está mi nombre. aquí. y, pues, aquí están las fotografías de mis compañeras y compañeros. este es un muy bonito recuerdo. i've always been interested in photography. but in the last five years especially, six years, when my grandson had a battle with very serious cancer and was in stage iv, he had to go through a whole year of chemotherapy and radiation-- a huge amount of stress on our lives as family. part of what happened was that i needed something to actually center me and keep me sane. and photography became my tool of choice to actually get out there, be creative, and help me charge my batteries so that i could deal with the issues that were going on with my grandson. that opened up a whole new world for me. it made me feel not only better about myself, but actually it gave me something to share with others. i'm very, very happy that i have ended up seeing myself as a photographer, seeing myself as an artist. the arts are amazing. it's