let me ask, was this a reaction to the lvmh club where the guy say, we can't stop them from ranking itferring to rappers? -- from drinking it, kind of referring to rappers? was a positive feeling behind it, which was about building something that would be exceptional and unique. it takes the champagne category to a new stage, and also to a new consumer. >> you see the ace of spades. i love it, but only because i'm a motorhead fan. using this kind of thing in vegas. thing ine this kind of vegas. it doesn't seem to be the class that is in the nation market. -- the niche market. >> in india, they use champagne for large weddings. veryia, is considered a high luxury product. in europe, it is appreciated for its winemaking. for the fabulous reviews we've had. in the u.s., it's a party element, celebration, champions. >> there are bad reviews out there. i'm looking at new york wine buyer saying "the biggest ripoff wine." history of min does it matter what it tastes like because you are selling cool? >> for me, i want to the feedback from the marketplace. theis income, i love passion it gener