expect to find out about their permit or the permits of thaeir neighbors or things like that that lwill be a frustratitful discussion whether or not we're one hundred percent liv100 perc. >> okay. if there's no more comment this is an update. next titem >> any public comment on titem 6 seeing none,. item 78 will discussion about goib options for new office s space. thank you. >> obviously this was based on an article came out in the san francisco chronicle on the tenth of this month. i had a chance to talk to the director about that and obvi obviously he was aware of the potential plans in the work he koucouldn't disc it publicly but i felt okay to let me in a little bit further once this article was print i was very, very happy to see this in the commission point of view we've had a personnel problem by getting enough staff but we had the real problem of where to put cthem. we can build on and look to the future and see how we'll grow. i have a few questions if the director can answer cthem >> i think everybody on the commission in all our previous discussions felt we needed new office