well, he says, of course he would take it, lar, lyalechka, my girl, well, of course he would take it,illusion, i’ll focus on the future, what they would like to create with her, well, okay, for the rest, well, except for questions, listen, well , jealousy appeared, i work a lot, jealousy appeared even about work, that is, if i came later, i went there with the phone in toilet, roughly speaking, you work with artists all the time, i don’t like it when people are jealous of me, especially without trifles, for no reason, and they invent these stories for themselves, jealous ones, they are very bright, she just needed some an emotional swing, she tried to swing it, but he, i thought, couldn’t really give it any emotions, so she acted as best she could. and what was the last straw? the last straw was even you know, not all these stories, but my friends and i went to st. petersburg on vacation, apparently she i thought that somehow i didn’t behave like that in front of my friends, maybe i was jealous, well, i didn’t behave like that with my friends, it turned out that she even decided to ra