from illegal belarusians lyasov mikola is heading to krakow. vitay egilonskiy universitet.rsity. she is already a master of rhetoric, and in difficult times, a doctor of philosophical sciences. napevna, father ganarya. it’s not the same, if it’s too much, you’ve got a lot of knowledge, but here’s an hour later , for five decades already, so i’d be sitting at the office, sorting through other people’s papers, and the end of the day, if it’s not always the case bench, like the scale of the yago talent, drawn from the sumnag of the office, showing the light to the light, and the light to the light. dabradzey gusovskaga staў erasm tselak, no more or less, sakratar vyalіakknyazhazhsky stationery. yon neadnarazova vykonva folded dyplamatochny gifts, meaning. pasol's mission to europe. in addition, erasmus requested and mikola gusovskaga. on the gety route, lie down near rym. i eight eternal cities. pizza, espresa, football will be just a few hundred years old. and in the middle of the night, there were street battles with people in the hot city of ryma. the gascinian italians sen