if he wanted wasn't too afraid out there and so on and so he started answering those questions at lyceum lectures and it kind of grew from there but of course it changed, it was not just a narrative of my experience but the book is sometimes life in the woods and so thoreau had the publisher get rid of that subtitle eventually. it really wasn't just a narrative of what it's like to live out in the woods as probably the more complicated book than that. it was walden the experience which was a few years but walden the book was a much longer project, it wasn't published until 1854. it went through seven different drafts so in the interim, thoreau took up new methodologies of observation around 1851, 52. he took up a new way of observing the world and a lot of that is reflected in the final draft of walden so it takes a little, it takes some exercise and intellectual exercise to pick apart those threads and figure out what it is that he's up to while he's actually out. >> walden was more successful than a week on the concorde and merrimack, and in fact the deal thoreau made with his publishe