round, and won this on against zverev to golf, and it was the opening round of the women's world lydia ko with ferrari.he was fastest in the morning session.. new statistics released by the home office show one hundred and eight thousand people claimed asylum in the uk, last year — an increase of 18% record numbers in 2002. 0ur correspondent, tom symonds has more. 0bviously obviously this country offers a place for people has place for people as it has commitments in international law to attempt to claim asylum here if they think have here if they think they have a case. these numbers are got a case. these numbers are big and of course, boats big and of course, small boats crossings across isa 7 7 77is7a7bigt737rget777 7 7 77573739 7597375} ' the channel is a big target for government. interestingly, the government. interestingly, perhaps a lot of people don't know this, only about of a of asylu m of asylum come by third of asylum seekers come by boats. a lot of people small boats. a lot of people come through safe, humanitarian come through safe. humanitarian reduced roots. that number h