my name is lydia south. i'm honored to be nominated for serve on the historic preservation commission. i moved to san francisco from portland, oregon, in 2000. my daughter and i have been living in the mission for over 11 years. we enjoy one of the most vibrant, diverse neighborhoods in san francisco. every day we experienced a rich history of the city. as an immigrant from hong kong, i know what hard work means. it requires me as an immigrant woman to work 500% harder, just to demonstrate that i can do the job. this is a challenge that i have stepped and relished, because i know that the future will be bright for my daughter and for my community. i'm nominated for seat 2 of h.p.c., which requires a licensed architect who meets the secretary of interior's professional qualification standards. these standards require either one year of graduate study in architectural preservation study or closely related field, or at least one year of full-time professional experience on historic preservation projects. i meet