the chairman is general lyell's, former chief of staff for the air force. i am the vice chairman. and we are charged by the congress to take a hard look at what we are doing. and we are in the process of evaluating the history where we are now, where we should be going. and it is more than just diversity of race and gender. it is diversity in a much bigger scale. economics, education, society, all of those things are being cranked into this study. i believe that we are going to come up with interesting findings and i am not about to give you my opinion is looking at c-span and seeing it on tv before we tell the president and congress. i think we are doing a great job. we have stubbed our toe sometimes and i will say this one of our services used to be behind everyone in terms of with the racial issues, wise, activity wise, the navy is the head of all of us now which may be a surprise. it was to me. okay? >> i've read your book, julias, and i find it fascinating. [inaudible] tell us about korea and the sellers are dee dee to -- silver star. >> i will tell you about korea. i assume