camera, that was the best tool for my in the white house, all the stuff on 9/11 was a lyka. switching to the digital camera that was bulky, heavy and noisy. i literally had to change my style of shooting because of the noise. unfortunately the digital cameras were not quiet when they first came out in terms of that first full frame camera, i think cannon came out with, and that was when i decided to make the switch. it was a struggle, but it's something that had to be done in terms of keeping up with the technology and also it was where everything was headed. luckily, i had the experience coming from the associated press using digital photography and applying my skills to turn the white house into digital. >> i will just say that you are talking about wearable technology and how things are changing. you know, technology has been changing forever and you can put a camera in someone's hands who is not a photographer and you are going to get crap, right? but if you put a camera in someone's hands who is talented, whatever the technology s you're going to get something that's pr