so lyman beecher, and you may have heard that dan, lyman beecher whose daughter was harriet beecher stowe, and his son was probably the greatest evangelist of his age, henry ward beecher, moved his family from new england to the raw frontier town of cincinnati because he wanted to save the west from roman catholic. he erected a seminary in cincinnati, but he came back to boston periodically they often and he was the guy who preached the night before that this convent should be burned down. now, this occurred at a time when the westward movement had just begun. and the westward movement had sort of a sacred element to it, particularly among evangelicals who believe that god had chosen america to be the new nation of israel, that america was god's chosen nation. and part of being chosen was to span a convent from "the atlantic" ocean to the pacific ocean. this was not only a responsibility for american citizens but they were doing the work of god. you can see here on this painting that appeared in 1861, you can see the cross on the rock perhaps. get mileage out of make sure i don't point it