joining me now from lynchburg virginia is thomas mountain, the renowned and most widely distributed independent journalist in the whole of africa. thomas, thank so much for coming on going underground. finally, we, we finally got you all be in virginia. the suspicious state of virginia is, i might say, the u. n. as i congratulated the era trend government in about 3 days on the 32nd anniversary of operation fen kill liberation of miss sour. now, many people around the world watching this don't perhaps understand the crucial importance of the region you've lived in for so long. what? why is it relevant to the current to gray conflict with sure. yeah, joe biden, state department often says is a, is a, is a conflict rooted in, in barbarism, virtual barbarism by if you appear in eritrea. how is it relevant to that? well, now or nevada is one of the most strategically critical places in the world because the 2 largest trading partners in the world are europe and asia. and most of their trade passes through the red sea, which is at $22.00 in egypt where the suez canal, which is controlled by basicall