at no point in time has anybody ever needed to attack or defend lyndhurst, new jersey. a lady there in a wench outfit, and she's like, [british accent] "welcome to medieval times. are you ready to step back into the middle ages?" [normal voice] "yes, if that's what we're doing, sure. point me in the direction of a witch. i want to burn it." 'cause that's medieval times to me. not... [english accent] "would you like more grog or diet grog with your garlic bread?" [normal voice] that's not medieval times. that's false advertising. it's the same problem i have with build-a-bear workshop. i really want to build a bear. i do. he'd have, like, polar bear legs, grizzly bear's torso, kodiak's arms, but a panda bear's face. so that way he mauls you like a bear, but he eats you like... [humming] do you think medieval times will be open in the future? like, not ten years from now, but like centuries from now? like, i don't see why it wouldn't be. it's a business model that works. it's family fun that also appeals to a 30-year-old's sense of ironic whimsy. i just wonder if in the f