. >> coming up, why are people saying, what in the hell is that when it comes to lyndsay's ta it? -- tat. does this tie make me look fat? >>> well, it is denser than anything we have seen before. my new cat poetry book now has 50,000 cat poems, but a new planet made of diamond. yes, scientists in australia says a planet exists of the earth's most precious stone. the planet is a remnant of a once massive star that lost its outer layers. it is made of carbon, but because it is so dense, scientists argue that it must be chrystalline and therefore dyend mound. and we could be there by lunchtime if we left now ladies. let's discuss in the -- >> lightning round. >> that rock on your finger doesn't seem so precious, pab, does it? >> no, i'm a little disappoint disappointed. >> do you think the residents of the diamond planet are trying to get here to take our rare and precious seawater. >> no, i'm worried rappers are going to start launching themselves into space. >> does this mean there is a cubic swrer cone yaw planet out there? >> yes, yes, absolutely, but i want my wedding ring from