i'm lynn berry. today we begin with trial by fire. judge sonia sotomayor will be back on capitol hill this morning for a second day of tough questioning in her bid to become the nation's sex supreme court justice. this all follows a day of sharp, if polite, exchanges with republican lawmakers who honed in on one famous remark. nbc's steve handelsman reports. >> no words i have ever spoken or written have received so much attention. >> reporter: the words were wise latina. sonia sotomayor, the first his panic nominated to the u.s. supreme court, had to answer for them again in her confirmation hearing. >> so i guess i'm asking today what do you really believe? >> reporter: in a series of speeches, sotomayor had said a wise latina would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male. >> i do not believe that any ethnic, racial or gender group has an advantage in sound judging. >> reporter: some lawyers who argued cases before sotomayor said they came away with bad feelings about her. r