my name is lynn fisher, that's my husband john. and we own and live at 1967 broadway which is the first floor in a three-unit historically significant condo property built in 1895. our condo abuts the eastern property line of 1973 broadway, the subject property owned by the porters. around two years ago, with none of the condo members having received any written notice of intent to excavate, the porters began their unlawful demolition and extensive excavation work adjacent to our building. our experts have advised us that since this time, our foundation has been significantly weakened by the construction at 1973. with this damage, interior walls throughout our home have cracked. a wall buckled with a nearly 1-inch pro-trutrusioprotrusion. doors no longer open, including our front door. the other units have also experienced extensive cracking and damage to their fire escape door. we are concerned about irreparable harm and extensional threat to our building and inhabitants. one of the most frightening experiences, the building trapp