then i went to see this young agent, lynn nesbitt, who was young agent, lynn nesbitt, who was just, i think, setting up. she called and said she read the book and she would like to represent me. could i come in and see her? i went in to see her and she said something very complimentary about the book. lynn always understands the books. and she said, you have to tell me something first. what do you look so worried about? i didn't know i looked worried. but i was. i said i am worried i will not have enough money to finish the book and she said, how much do you need? i don't remember the figure, that i figured i needed two more years. i told her what that figure was and she said, -- and she remembers this the same way -- is that what you are worried about? you can stop worrying right now. i can get you that by picking up the phone. verybody in new york knows about this book. was up in the bronx, i had no idea. that's how i get her. she has been my agent now -- that was 1970, 47 years. i've had the same agent and the same editor for 47 years. brian: i did some calculations. 4,513 pages yo