the iconic dome of hiroshima by the red cross, the international committee of the red cross, lynn schroeder. you have two hospitals, one here in hiroshima and one in that dba saki thain thatinnagasaki. >> the japanese red cross society has two hospitals here where they treat specifically a-bomb survivors. most of them are being treated with related diseases, cancer-related diseases. last year they recorded two-thirds of the death of survivors being related to cancer. >> just for some context, the prefecture, cancer is prevalent. they are struggling with continuing psychological effects. because a lot of them have had to keep these memories within themselves because of the social stigma. >> indeed. i think there was studies in the late '90s showing that psychological impact for survivors are tremendous. of course, long term post traumatic stress disorder, depression, other psychological instability. also, the entertaining of the future. because with never knowing whether they can be affected by things related to the radiation is a big psychological effect. >> reporter: there is another group