lynnville is in that the question we are asking now? on the one hand we are envisioned in on the other hand we feel like we don't know anything. >> host: . some years ago you wrote a book called chaos and it was essentially about reviewing the order behind the seeming randomness. this book to me seems in a way to be about revealing the randomness of the imperfection or the incompleteness behind what we think of as the tools that we use to define our reality. is that the way that you thought of that? >> guest: there are definitely connections there. this technical connections that i know that you are aware of between the science of chaos and information theory and i first heard of information theory when i was working on the chaos book from some of the scientists i was getting to know. they were using this thing called information theory created by this guy shannon to understand the behavior of the physical systems in particular one of them was analyzing the dynamics of a dripping faucet and he was doing it in terms of information theory